Last week, Kevin Sauder, who recently retired after a successful 36 years as president and CEO of Sauder Woodworking, was kind enough to send me his personal email address.
That email got me thinking about how long I have known Kevin.
Looking back, I realized I’ve known Kevin since 1988, the year he was named sales and marketing manager for Sauder’s newly formed Office Products Division.

At that time, I was a rube reporter who had been assigned to cover a segment of the industry then best known as flat-pack furniture.
Kevin was my sole contact at Sauder, and I showed my naivety a short time later when I was introduced to Kevin’s dad and CEO, Maynard Sauder.
I shook his hand and blurted, “Oh, so you are Kevin’s dad.”
Back then, I had helped form a new home furnishings publication and since the company was on a budget, we did not have the luxury of having a staff photographer like some of the more well-established trade pubs did.
So, at every market, with my Canon Sure Shot camera around my neck, I would show up at the Sauder showroom to interview Kevin for a market story I was putting together.
I think that must have tickled Kevin because soon after, his name for me was “The Geek With The Camera.”
But one day, while covering an office products show in New Orleans, “The Geek” got his revenge.

In case you don’t know this, Kevin Sauder has one heck of a singing voice. As someone who has played in bands for years, trust me, I know a good voice when I hear one. Kevin can sing.
Back to the Geek’s Revenge.
After the show, a group of us journalists went on tour of Bourbon Street. Most of the doors to the clubs were open and as we approached one of them, I heard this amazing and somewhat familiar voice belting out a song.
I stuck my head in the club and there is Kevin nailing the karaoke tune he selected. Armed with my Sure Shot, I walked up to the stage and proceeded to take a flurry of frames of Kevin wowing the crowd.
After probably blinding him with my camera’s flash, I gave him a big smile and a big thumbs-up and walked out of the club.
What I never told him was that I had no film in the camera.
That will always be a favorite memory of mine, but Kevin will also be remembered for his extraordinary contributions during his tenure as CEO of Sauder Woodworking.
Under his thoughtful stewardship, what began as his grandfather’s humble woodworking business in Archbold, Ohio, has grown into one of North America’s leading furniture manufacturers.
Throughout his career, Kevin has exemplified the values that have made Sauder Woodworking a beacon of excellence in our industry. His commitment to innovation transformed the ready-to-assemble furniture category, making well-designed, affordable furniture accessible to millions of American homes.
But perhaps more importantly, Kevin’s leadership has always been characterized by a deep sense of responsibility — to his employees, his community and the environment.
In 2023, Kevin’s grandfather and company founder Erie Sauder was elected into the American Home Furnishings Hall of Fame.
Years earlier, I had suggested to Kevin that Erie be nominated because he more than exceeded all the criteria to be installed.
In my book, Erie should have been inducted the first time he was nominated, but that is a story for another day.
Erie was a remarkable man, and I am happy that the Hall of Fame acknowledged that in 2023.
It’s true that the apple never falls far from the tree. Erie was a force, his son, Maynard was as well and for all the years I have known Kevin, he was and is as well.
So, from The Camera Geek, thank you, Kevin. Thank you for showing us the way forward with wisdom, integrity and heart.