High Point, N.C.: Legacy Classic | Modern has promoted Tahirah “Dock” Johnson from Director of Customer Service into an expanded role in the new position of Director of Sales Operations, the Company announced.

Johnson has overseen a team of 7 in customer service for the last year at the leading mid-priced fashion casegoods resource based here. In her new position, she will continue to be responsible for customer service while adding responsibilities for strategic sales initiatives, corporate analytics and customer relationship management.
“During her time at Legacy Classic | Modern, Dock has demonstrated strong leadership, insight and innovation, with an outstanding ability to provide actionable analytics that have helped us identify business growth opportunities,” said President and Chief Executive Officer Neill Robinson.
Prior to joining Legacy, Johnson served as Director of Sales Operations at Heritage Home Group for two years, and prior to that served in several management roles at Ralph Lauren in High Point. Her leadership roles there included Director of Men’s Wholesale Operations and Director of International Logistics. All of her previous responsibilities have focused on customer service, supply chain management, operations and sales and corporate analytics.
She reports to Robinson.